Week 6 – The Primary Storyline
00:00 Opening Titles and preamble
01:23 Accessing the Timeline Index
03:11 Intro to Search in the Timeline Index
05:20 Roles Introduced
07:22 Assign Roles Early for Maximum Value
08:47 Exporting with Roles as Stems
18:15 Intro to Timeline Index Filters
19:33 Manipulating Roles to change your Storyline View.
22:17 Editing Roles (& adding subroles)
23:32 A quick note about Captions inside Roles
25:37 FCP “Lanes” – not “tracks” but kinda?
28:01 Chapter Markers in FCP
31:44 Audience Question: Can you review and carify how to use roles?
36:43 Audience Question: A closer look at show in lanes
39:40 Complexity and Control AS you need it
44:57 Audience Question: Roles – where to assign?
48:04 Audience Question: When do YOU assign Roles metadata?
50:40 Removing Edit “Friction”
52:58 Keywords, tags, and/or roles? Should they be different terms?
57:50 Audience Questions: Where to find Tagging Strategies in These…
01:00:40 Audience Question: How do you assign Roles in the Storyline
01:03:20 Bill’s Contact Info